Minden kezdet nehéz – avagy a 3B-s Bermuda háromszög

| | 2009.08.22. 13:30

1st B - Budapest.


It seemed to going to be an easy flight. Only 2 hours in the car and then get off.


2nd B - Bécs (Vienna)


We arrived quite early, about 2,5 hours before departure. Before the ESTIMATED departure from VIENNA.

Well, checking the timetable and looking for the gate number was doubtless quite useless but my mother stayed, her eyes pinned onto the displayed, in the very middle of the hall. She never listens to me. Am I alone with my problem? J


I started to change the strings on my guitar, hoping that my mother would give up and believe me in the end. This moment seemed to be very far away so I decided to spend the time usefully.


Suddenly, as I’ve just finished the A-string, she told me Skyeurope had its desks a bit behind of us, so we better moved there. I still didn’t change my mind thinking this has NO SCENCE AT ALL, but, of course, did not deny the order. YES SIR!!!




50 meters further we only could see some bored faces. Was I right? Hell, noooo…. :P

Alright, my lill’ homies stood there like well-raised sheeps. “What are you waiting for?  Nobody’s gonna show you how!” My mother was still mad about the gate number (which was the MOST irrelevant information I ever could imagine in that moment…) so I decided to ask the lady (very bored as well).


The start did not tell anything special. Flight, time. To my question, whether we could drop off our luggages (about 60 kilos, plus the violin, the guitar, 3 handbags…) she answered with yes. “But you know for sure that you will be brought to Bratislava with busses, don’t you? You can do your check in here, but will have to carry your baggages yourself to the airport in Bratislava.”


Here, the story se divides into to parts.


Part one: said: …

Part two: thought: WHAT THE FUCK?!


Alright, I kept cool. Informing my parents caused a take off. To Bratislava.


3rd B – Bratislava


We should have known that Skyeurope became insolvent. Well, we didn’t and booked.

The --------- airport in Bratislava lies only an hour from Vienna. So far, so good.  

Have you been to our ex-capital? It is HUGE. It really took my breath. Those motorways on the bridges, the commercials… everything is just levitating far beyond the earth and the harbour. Looking down you see the ships, the containers, the mining machines… brown, rusty, and powerful. Even the shopping mall was half of Budapest. WOW. Simply stunned...

The airport is a little hen-coop. Dirty, full of minorities and Slovakians, who, as far we experienced, drive even crazier than the Hungarians… I suppose, Frau Paschadag, who was always very upset telling about the Hungarian traffic, have had a heart attack for far now. (There was a light traffic jam on the motorway. Suddenly, a Skoda breaks just in front of us. The tires nearly BURNED. They smoked for sure…)


Now, back to the airport. Our first estimated take-off was said to be at 19.40. Two hours of waiting. No problem, I still had some strings to be changed. I looked for a quite, bequem place and found it right in the window. Took the guitar, the strings and sat to work.

A few minutes later, my brother came to help me. Together we finished in half of an hour. Great, still another 1,5 left.


Finally, we dropped of our luggages. YYYYYYYYYESSSSSSS! I slimmed down 60 kilos at once! :D


We moved to the first level, I started to play some music (as far as I can…J ). The next take-off was estimated at 20.10.


Now, I was studying the intro of Sting’s “Shape of my heart” and several other songs. Like Katyusa (régi, kommunista dal, közismertebb szövegével az Ellopták az oroszok a tankot… felismerésért hála Manunak :P)

30 minutes to eight, my mother suggested to get up our meilleure partie and snake to the gate.

Done as said.


Farewell from my father and go.


When the gate A7 got opened, it was late and we all were very tired. Moved to the bus, to the airplane. My mother, she got scared.

“This is ramshackle!” I could see on her face, she did not want to get in. Although, I kept on explaining, that the pilots did not want to die themselves, she stayed stressed. She stressed me and my brother and I tried to control myself so that I did not start shouting to her.


The pilot, who did not want to die himself, was excellent, I must say. Except of some little drops due to the turbulence in the clouds, everything was the finest.


A woman, who read frustrated all the time next to me, sighed loudly and raised her eyes to the sky, as we landed. So we both started to laugh at once. Well, it was very funny.  J Especially, as she realized that she forgot to switch off one of her cell phones… maybe she knew that it could have disturbed the sensors… and since she was afraid………


We arrived about 11.30 pm at home and eat dinner (Zsófi, I really apologies. :P ).


My room was judged to my mom…. -.-‘… alright, no problem. I can sleep in the training-room with the barbell, shoes and clothes. At least I always can do some sport, whenever I want to. (Yes, Zsófi, I’ll stand up and do it, stay cool… :P )





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Lill'Girl 2009.08.23. 02:04:25

Where`s my last (and first) comment? :O
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