And now en français: après-mid

| | 2009.08.23. 00:45

I am completely tired. Discovering your new home means to me: discovering every possibility of sports. So I ran around the village and found not only a very good training route but a beautiful sunset as well. The gold ran over the perfectly green landscape, over the sky, the clouds and the hot-air-balloons. Yes. Hot-air-balloons.


To be honest, my expected weather does not want to appear – thank God. We had a sunny day. Perfect for the cycling competition which just rolled away among my window… it was quite funny, donc a car passed by from time to time with some loud, old school music… :D


I wanted some chouettes trucks dans ma chambre. J and unpack my suitcases so we went to find something fitting but did not.

Instead, we managed perfectly to be late (about 1 hour) to an important rendez-vous with a Vallon lady who is supposed to help me with the inscription @ the school.


My mom, bra’, godfather, his wife and the little cousine, Rachel (almost 1 year old), arrived at Babel. The man (Jan) and his wife (Jaquline) are above 50, but all very friendly. Jan acted like a 5 year old boy, whilst playing with Rachel. J I loved them.


Jaqueline told me that I was not going to have any problems in the school… I hope she is right… J


Oh, why Babel? Have you ever heard 6 men speaking French, Dutch, Hungarian, English and German AT THE SAME TIME!?

Wow, amazing, isn’t it? J


That was my first, really enjoyed afternoon in a Belgian garden in Dendeleeuw.


The force may be with you!

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