It’s late again

| | 2009.08.24. 00:01

Sorry, my story yesterday was not very detailed. I was really otta power. So I am today.

But, this is only the 3rd day, and I don’t give up easily. J


This was my first Sunday from the one year I’ll spend here. For all those who should not be aware of that: my godfather is a pastor of the Evangelische Kerk (Lutheran Chruch) here in Dendeleeuw. Ca veut dire qu’I’ll (this looks good! :P :D) every Sunday matin in the church. Not that bad. I met a german woman, a swiss guy who I knew before (his name is Manuel… :D strange match… but does not look like Manu at all. He speaks a whiff of Schwiizerdütsch while talking in German which I love a lot! :D )


and of course all the others. This is gonna be a tribute to the friendly, warm-hearted Belgians. J Or those who live here for more then a decade now. They are Belgians to me as well.


Now, back to the smiley german woman (kinda paradox, huh?… :P). She invited me immediately to her place! Of course I agreed. At least a possibility to bewaring my bad german accent… :P


The second one who I loved a lot was a silver-haired man. I don’t know his name, it doesn’t matter at all, and you’d forget it in the next line anyways.

The special about him was that we talked en francais. Well, that made my energy level disappear. (“Hol az enerdzsi?!”)


The third person I have to mention is simply the Belgian Shone Connery to me since we first met. A real gentleman. Above 60. No problem. As he got know that we’ll spend a week alone here, he immediately offered his help…


And last but not least:

Whilst running through the grand meadow an old man came across. Riding his bike, of course, everyone here does. I never saw him, vice versa as well and he welcomed me! Such a thing never ever happens in Hungary… maybe in Brussels not as well, but Denderleeuw is almost a city. I’d say a bigger town just next to Bruxelles, like Budaörs. Do strangers greet each other in there? I guess no.


Hmm… anything else to say? No, I s’ppose everything was said.


Now I close the window and watch some Gregory House m.d.


A bientot


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Sellith 2009.08.24. 15:05:29

Szia csajszi!
Látom azért gyűlnek az élmények. Most már én is megjöttem, úgyhogy nézem a blogot. Egyébként milyen nyelven kommenteljek mert ez azért annyira nem világos? Ja és örülök, h örülsz a House-nak! Pusz innen Győrből.

Lemilien 2009.08.24. 15:34:09


Igen, zajlik az élet, de még mennyire. Csak egy nyamvadék telefonszámot nem tudok magamnak szerezni, mert a belga sim nem kompatibilis a magyar sim-mel...

A kommentet olyan nyelven írod, amilyenen nem szégyelled. :) Bár az angoltudásoddal úgyis össze-vissza aláznál, azért írhatsz angolul is, legalább lássák, hogy én csak erőlködöm :P


ps.: Cameron tényleg jó ribancos szőkén... :D

Lill'Girl 2009.08.25. 00:52:33

hey :)
as i see you became a house-freak...
not that bad... at all... :P
but you have to promise me sth: YOU`RE GONNA WATCH IT EN FRANCAIS!!!
apropos, francais... :P i have to bake some "palachintass" :P for my french class :P so that we can compare them with crepes... since i couldn`t tell anyone what`s the difference between these two.. i know, it`s awkward... :D
so, i hope we can speak someday (maybe next weekend?) but now i have to go to learn sth about American history... i shouldn`t embarass myself by not knowing who was George Washington, even though i`m a European... (okay people, just to make sure: i know who he was :) ) but anyways... :P see ya (szia) soon!!!
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