yesterday, hhmmm

| | 2009.09.01. 22:05

Who began to sing IMMIDIATELY the song from the Beatles? Félicitations!! :) You are a millionaire! :D

Okay, I'll be short this time as well.

We went to Jackline, you know, the french woman. She and his husband, Jan, and later his son, I dunno... But he looked like a rockstar somewhere between punk and emo... The only slice of his face which was still to see, was a blue eye, nothing else. ONE. Plus, he is 25, though I thought he'd be about 18... no problem. Even more imponating about him was the fact, that he passed his last weekend in Spa @ the Belgian F1 GP. The winner is... Kimi? :P

Alright, back to the story. I guess it was one of the finest evenings I had in my life. From 6 pm till late in the night we sat there and talked again in Babel (this means, every language I speak and one more).

Jackline cooked a delicious meal (sorry, my spelling was best before ages). Smoked Lachs, a speciality from Gent, and a the good old, never out of style belgian chocolate with some vanilla ice (ice ice baby...). Hungry? I am not surprized. :)

My musical developement was good as well. First time in my life I touched and played some chords on a 12 string guitar. :D Yeaah!! It rocks, I must tell... :)

And, as the title tells: I mastered the song Yesterday from the Beatles as well. Not bad for a night, huh? :P

Oh, another remarkable found:

the alteregos for the Buchmüllers. Ca veut dire, two sons outta 3 have a band. So, sorry Manu, but I don't feel the need anymore to visit you in Freiburg. :P Alright, that was a joke. You are uniqe, you know it as well. ;)

That's all, for yesterday. Now I come to day. haha

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