IT'S LONG BUT 4:1 ; worth reading

| | 2009.09.15. 22:59



I went to Denderleeuw, but that was not a big deal. The Vallons usually hate the Flemish in here. But I could not figure out WHICH ONES, since the streets were so sterilized empty like in a horror-movie. Just the empty cars, the properly done gardens, clean windows, white houses but NOBODY on the streets. It was presque scary…

Well, I survived, managed my mission (belle alliteration), so I could enjoy the evening.


There are no words to describe this view. A garden in the night, in the hinterground the burning tower of the town hall, next to you the latest meeting centre (Square)

Lower the statue of Albert IV, hidden behind a cover. The original forms him sitting on a hors very confidently and looking away from the Square.

Now the cover illustrates him sitting backwards on the hors, below:

 Everyone wants  to see the Square open”

 And another joke (new to me), I saw in a shop, saying:

 “I don’t need sex. Life fucks me every day.”

 There is something I have to admit: I did not play a note for 2 weeks now. And I miss it. Fortunately, the Belgians organized a fanfare meeting that evening on the Grand Place.


 Though I did not know that Fradi (FTC) had a fanfare-orchestra playing ABBA hits… Whilst doing a complicated choreography. I guess that was one of my most interesting musical experiences after hearing a Bach on bass… It’s almost the same category.

 The Scottish came along as well; performing some traditional stuff with drums et pipes (drömz é pájpösz). The secret of their skirts rested a secret in spite of the reflecting underground… :P

 The most rigolo was a navy’s fanfare, counting about 100 musicians who accompanied a 17-year-old girl, who supposed to be a “very talented” singer. In my opinion, only if the looser takes it all…

 To cut a long show short: finally they all played an “Ode an die Freude” together. About 200-250 horns and every loud instrument you can imagine.

 We walked around the Grand Place, right in the gays’ quartile (as I guessed and were confirmed).




You’ve heard some bad English, some Hungarian, some French, now it’s time to introduce something new: FLEMISH.


 All those who speak some German supposed to understand this, enjoy the feeling. J (I do it every Monday in the first 2 lessons… :P And realize that I refuse to learn & speak a word in this language… It’s messing up my German-knowledge.)

 On topic:

 The non-existing Flemish opened all their chapels this year to visit. I hardly found something interesting at them. The most catching one was a lost butterfly which I saved from dying in front of the awkward, low-cost Virgin-Mary-statue.

Some interesting houses, and that was all.

 And in the afternoon, I joined a Hungarian service.

 Éppen ezért, hogy autentikus legyen, végre írok egy kicsit ezen a nyelven is, megint. J

 Mondanom sem kell, a magyar protestáns (José után csak prosti) gyülekezet nem egy csóringer helyen tartja összejöveteit, hanem egy eredeti art nouveau ablakkal rendelkező házban, ami ráadásul az egyik leghíresebb belga építész lakhelye is volt.

 Szintén magától értetődő, hogy hihetetlen emberekkel is lehet errefelé találkozni, mint például Szekeres Szabolccsal.

Önmagában a Szekeres Szabolcs nem hiszem, hogy a legtöbbeknek mond valamit, leszámítva a Szekeres Imrével való asszosziációt.

 Namármost, Szabi bá’ Dél-Amerikában nőtt, tehát anyanyelve a spanyol, de igazából ez nem is olyan fontos. Kivéve, hogy New Yorkban folytatott egyetemi tanulmányai után Dél-Amerikai fejlesztési terveken dolgozott, utána több évig Brazíliában, Argentínában élt. Rövidesen „haza”tért Magyarországra, ahol az Állami Vagyoni Számvevőszék elnökhelyettese, majd elnöke lett. Miután menesztették, Bokros Lajos tanácsadójaként dolgozott. Ez volt ’90 körül.

Utána, hogy szép legyen, elment Brüsszelbe pár évig dolgozni, utána kiköltözött Spanyolországba, majd ismét visszatért Brüsszelbe nyugdíjas éveire.

 Megspékelném a sztorit egy keszekusza házassággal, spanyol, portugál, angol, francia, magyar tudással, és 3 gyerekkel meg a nevelőnőkkel… elég hihetetlen…

 Aztán összetalálkoztam kapásból 2 cserkésszel, akikkel még közös ismerőseink is akadtak, szóval mondhatni elég érdekesre sikeredett ez a délután. Nem beszélve arról, hogy végre nem csak a levegőbe beszélt a lelkészNŐ (!), hanem mondott is valamit.

 Este, még csak úgy poénból, átugrott Nicole anyukája, aki igazán kortalan kereskedőasszony.

 Mire végre nagyon későn ágyba kerültem, mindez megtörtént… J



 Now to switch back to English, I can’t tell you anything very special that had happened today. I had my first test in Maths, we’ll see how I performed. It’s quite cold now and I supposed to do some sports, but rain shower is waiting to come down, so I better stay in the house… J


Tuesday (today)

Back to basics

 Any Christina Aguilera copyright-checker here? None? Great news.

 This evening was all about music again and about my basics.

 Those who know me a bit are aware of my devotion towards two countries: Finland and Switzerland.  These countries come and go as they want to. First, very young, I fell in love with Switzerland. I guess it was all my amazement seeing a lake at 2000 meters… I’m still stunned by this simple paradox (to me).

 The second one was Finland. When I first heard In the shadows from The Rasmus. Then the period of “I-love-Finland” began. Afterwards it was Switzerland again, and now, today, back to the roots.

A concert usually starts with an introduction. I can feel the pain on your faces. And what if I say that Kimi Räikkönen makes you cry with amazing jokes, accompanied by his usual poker face and monotone voice? Not that bad, huh? And what if I go further and say, instead of Kimi Räikkönen the ambassador himself is doing this? Painkiller? J

 Afterwards an international duo (a Flemish guy and a Finnish girl) played his international music, but sometimes – to me – it rather seemed to be supernatural. An accordion and an excellent singer, and that’s all. That’s all enough to create love, pain, lullaby, storm and happiness. Finland is still able to amaze me… at least I can be sure that my decision has been a good one. Devotion was not wasted time. Is there any more calming feeling?


Yes, exactly. To sleep. And this is what I’ll do just in some minutes. J


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Watch your ecological footprint; I want to ski in Switzerland!!




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Lill'Girl 2009.09.16. 14:54:12

húú igazad volt. :)
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