NEW Bruxelles @ night!!!!!!!!! :D

| | 2009.09.15. 22:52


Hey, it’s me again. No, I did not give up – yet.

As promised, here we go.


Nothing really special happened, except of trying an authentic Belgian lunch. Since Lily had no cash and did not find her sister to lend some, we went to Colruyt (huge supermarket just next to my school), to by some food. Or something that at least pretended to be a food.

 As you might know the proper dishes here are quite expensive, that’s why Colruyt is so successful. We bought some sweeter than sweet chocolate goffries, biscuits and liquid sugar called Ice Tee.

J’ai eu faim, moi!! But after the second goffry I felt ill again… so was Olivia (who is actually a model, as I got know today) and Genevieve, so we decided NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN. And I must say, we really missed our walk in the jungle of Colruyt, but I feel much better now. :) :P

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Lill'Girl 2009.09.16. 14:56:23

I'm glad to hear that :)
süti beállítások módosítása