it's getting starteeed huh?

| | 2009.09.04. 22:18

Music for the dayJust like the song, I feel electric!! Il y a longtemps that I wanted to go to school... since the teachers @ the DSB got used to talk shit instead of teaching, I only had some pleasure in seeing my (few) friends there.Here, EVERY AND EACH of the teachers has a passion in…

cause maybeeee....

| | 2009.09.03. 22:07

Soon or later I'll run out of songs. And I really should! 3 times, ca va, mais plus tards...As you might rcongnize, my french is getting better every day. The opening day was a shit, we spent 2 hours in the school after that we could leave our glass-cage... It's to be taken word by word.The…

"It feels like the first time, it feels like the FIRST DAY OF MY LIIIIFFEEEh"

| | 2009.09.02. 10:06

(song copyright by The Rasmus, never listen to their last album, it's worthless)In  one hour and 15 minutes my first day in the french speaking school starts... I am a bit afraid, it really feels like the first day in the school, though I don't remember it clearly... After all,…

Gróf Teleki Kálmán

| | 2009.09.01. 22:34

I am in their house and feel ashamed hijacking their computer but my one does not want to bring up the WEP code for my wireless internet. Anyways, I like it here.Tomorrow is my first day in school, I nearly forgot about it, but fortunately Mr Teleki asked me about it. ... Shame on me.I want to…

yesterday, hhmmm

| | 2009.09.01. 22:05

Who began to sing IMMIDIATELY the song from the Beatles? Félicitations!! :) You are a millionaire! :DOkay, I'll be short this time as well.We went to Jackline, you know, the french woman. She and his husband, Jan, and later his son, I dunno... But he looked like a rockstar somewhere…

touristic day

| | 2009.08.31. 00:05

This is our role today.This is, what we have seen. The Death Ride is not on the picture. Imagine, you see people coming down on a row from 102 height... and a feeling catches you: DAMN, that must be exciting... I'd rather have taken this slip than going to the Mini-Europe and watching the…