
| | 2009.09.19. 21:08

Es wundert mich überhaupt nicht, dass keiner geantwortet hat, alle sind beschäftigt, ich weiß. :)Nun, ich hab schon auf 3 Sprachen mindestens geschrieben, aber eine, die felhte noch. Bis zu diesem Eintrag. Mein Deutsch verbessert sich antiproportional (re: Let's so some stat.) zu meinem…

Let's do some stat.

| | 2009.09.16. 23:33

Hey everyone who still has some time to pay attention to me I'd like you to leave a comment, anwering the question:which languages do you speak? It's quite important, scine if noone's here who can't understand Hungarian, I'd like to write some entries in that language for those, who only can…

IT'S LONG BUT 4:1 ; worth reading

| | 2009.09.15. 22:59

 SaturdayI went to Denderleeuw, but that was not a big deal. The Vallons usually hate the Flemish in here. But I could not figure out WHICH ONES, since the streets were so sterilized empty like in a horror-movie. Just the empty cars, the properly done gardens, clean windows, white houses but…

NEW Bruxelles @ night!!!!!!!!! :D

| | 2009.09.15. 22:52

 Hey, it’s me again. No, I did not give up – yet. As promised, here we go.  Friday Nothing really special happened, except of trying an authentic Belgian lunch. Since Lily had no cash and did not find her sister to lend some, we went to Colruyt (huge supermarket just next…

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