| | 2009.08.30. 22:46
I run here every day. Unfortunately, when I took the pictures not a single hot-air balloon appeared on the horizont. :(
Some of my requisites in the room are from my "favourite shop". I laughed 10 minutes as I recognized the name...
And finally, it's the park next to the school. :)
My next report is gonna be about the "tourist day". :)
Close the windows and read on! ;)
| | 2009.08.30. 00:07
It was a very boring day after all, but at least, I am ready to pack again... -.-' for 2 weeks.
Tomorrow evening I hope to have time to upload some photos for you. :) Just to have a look in my fabulous life :P
Be careful, angels
all I wanna say is that...
| | 2009.08.28. 19:54
... I don't care about my figure today.
First of all: sorry to everyone who doesn't understand Hungarian. :) I had to do that. :)
And I did not write yesterday, that's correct as well.
All that has happened was that I left my phone in Aalst, to let it crack. After arriving at home, I cooked a delicious wok, we ate almost everything today. That was my best dish so far. :)
Did I say anything about the guys here in Belgium? Or better, about the men. For some kind of reason, I has an eye for them today and well... they are quite attractive.
The first one I met was a banker here in town. He must have been about 40, but had a leger charm. We tired to open me a bank account, but had some difficulties, since I am a hungarian citizen so that the electronic procedure was not available for me. It would have taken 2 days to get my card. No problem, soon he solved it.
To the question of my mum, whether we can close my account after a year he answered:
"Yes, no problem. But maybe she wants to stay longer. I mean she could get a boyfriend here and then it would be another case..."
Ten outta ten, you got it! :D
A bit later we took the E40 (motorway) to Gent. I visited the city for the second time but still am the oppinion that it must be probably the most beautiful Belgian city I've seen so far. It is also one of my favourite ones. In the case anyone wated to come to me, prepare yourself: WE WON'T MISS GENT! :D
Next to Gent lies the largest IKEA of the area. Three étages. We walked almost 2 hours in there but couldn't find everything for my room. It was horrible.
At the end of the day we achieved our goal in a no-name do-it-yourself shop by grabbing the very last rack.
And now I used to be running around Denderleeuw but I am not. I AM FED UP WITH MOVING FOR TODAY!!!
Don't be surprized if you'll see a fet girl on the photos. :P
never try this at home
you spin me right round...
| | 2009.08.26. 23:13
Hey, it's me again!
Quelles nouveautés, huh? Not even a minute has passed since I saved and published the last entry. Whatccóever.
És akkor most egy kicsit írkálok már ezen a nyelven is. Nem mintha olyan jól tudnék rajta, de legalább jobb, mint a tört angol, amivel eddig kénytelenek voltatok fárasztani a szemeteket. Még jó, hogy nem a szemeteteteket. Haha, a magyar nyelv szépseggei, vagy hogy is van ez. (Közhely, igen, de engedjétek má' meg ezután a nap után.)
Aki volt már hivatalos ügyet intézni Budapesten az tudhatja, milyen érzés egy ilyen nap után létezni. Most ezt kpézeljétek el kétszer akkorában.
Történt volt ugyanis, hogy miután nagy nehezen kimásztam az ágyból (a tegnapi nap után talán érthető...), anyukám kitalálta, hogy menjünk el megvenni a könyveimet egy könyvtárba. Itt ugyanis nincsen a jól bevált, gazdaságos kölcsönzés, csak használt könyv megvétele lehetséges.
Reggel ezért felhívtam a Librairie Politecnique-et, és franciául beszéltem velük telefonon. Egészen jól sikerült, csak a vonal annyira torzított, hogy nem értettem meg eleinte a nőt. Szegény biztosan azt hitte, hogy nem tudok franciául. Ja, huppsz, beletrafált. :P :D
Körülbelül egy óra múlva (reggeli, ordibálás, kiakadás, hol a kulcs, Viktor nem jön, olvassál, ne csak House-t nézzél) elindultunk. Útban az állomás felé - amit, hozzáteszem, még térképpel sem nagyon találtunk meg - még "beugrunk a közjegyzőhöz".
Ebből az lett, hogy kerestük, mint kutya a farkát, de sajnos nem találtuk meg. Információink szerint a "patika mellett kell lennie". Miután anyukám többször is sikeresen magánlaksértést követett el (nem nagy kunszt nyitott és/vagy nem létező kertajtó mellett), feladtuk és megint az állomás felé vettük az irányt. Szerencsére összeakadtunk egy nővel, aki éppen az ajtaját mosta le (ilyenre is csak a belgák ügyelnek).
Tőle megérdeklődtük, hol is van a Van der Steer úriember. Róla a nő azt mondta, hogy építész. Mondjuk, az nem lehet, mert neki nem annak kéne lennie. No, mindegy, elküldött minket vissza az utcába, vagyis megmondta, hogy a farkunkat a fejünkkel ellentétes irányba keressük.
Bemegyünk az utcába, megnézzük megint, sehol semmi.
Jövünk vissza, "niet gefounde" (nem tudok hollandul, de valahogy így lehet). Erre mondja, hogy a fenekünkön van az a farok. Átnézünk az útra, hát nem ott van a ház?!
Ha nem is pont a patika mellett, de majdnem.
Lényeg ami lényeg, bemegyünk, fogad a Van der Steer úriember (feltűnően hasonlított Kóka Jánosra), kedvesen elcsevegünk vele, majd kiderül, hogy egyikjük (ő és jóanyám) sem tudja, minek is vagyunk itt. Hála az égnek! Felvilágosítottam őket, hogy a Verzeekering miatt kell (ezt az egy szót tanultam meg eddig egy plakátról). Mire kiböki, hogy hát az nem az ő dolguk, menjünk máshova. Felírja a címet, mindent, hiszen ő is belgából van, aztán kimegyünk.
Az állomásra persze teljesen rossz oldalról futunk be, kicsit elállították valahol a váltókat, talán a Van der Steerben, nem tudom. Átdzsalunk építési területen, jó magyar módra, aztán szerencsés módon belebotlunk egy bringaútba (ez sem túl nagy teljesítmény errefelé, mert itt TÉNYLEG minden út bringaút, nem csak egy vágy, mint a budapesti Critical Mass-en). Így szerencsésen elkerüljünk elüttetésünket.
Felkászálódunk a vonatra. Sajnos, pont arra, ami minden görbe fánál megáll, de sebaj, nem ezzel kell majd bejárnom.
Besétálunk Gare Central megállóhelyre, ahol rögtön vörös betűkkel egy nemzetközi vonat világít a szemembe: Bruxelles Centrale - Zürich Hbf, 13.13. Azonnal más színben láttam a világot. :)
Még a metrót is megtaláltunk, ahol nagyon készségesen eligazított minket egy 16 éves forma lány, aki alig 4 nyelven beszélt... Igazából, amióta itt vagyok igazolást nyert az a nézetem, hogy nem olyan nagy dolog 4 nyelvet beszélni. Az ittenieknek mondjuk könnyű, mert kapásból kettőt muszáj, ehhez meg csak úgy btw hozzájön az angol meg a német...
Talán majd máskorra hagyom a filozofálásokat, mert már mindjárt begyógyulnak a szemeim.
Innentől kezdve egy nagy rohanás volt Brüsszel egyik feléből a másikba. Eredeti célunkat, mégpedig a Librairie-t már el is felejtettük. Hála az égnek, a suliban meggyőzték anyukámat arról, hogy még teljesen fölösleges akármit is venni, mert úgysem tudjuk, ki mit (szemléltetés) kér.
Szóval. A suliban megint nagyon kedvesek voltak. Kedvenc nagymama titkárnőmmel szerencsésen összefutottunk, a beszélgetés végére még a saját történelmi atlaszát is felajánlotta kőccsőnbe. Igazán rendes. :)
Visszametróztuk, sorszámot húztunk, vártunk vagy fél órát. Mikor sorrakerültünk kiderült, kéne igazolványkép. Szenzációs lett, leginkább heveny szívrohamban halálozna el mindenki, ha feltenném ide, úgyhogy nem teszem. :) Mazochistáknak sem. :P :D
Ende gut alles gut:
nap végére sikerült beszereznünk egy egy éves STIB bérletet (Itteni BKV, csak sokkal jobb), és egy MÁV bérletet is (az is sokkal jobb).
Ja és végre megint sportolhattam. Szóval most teljes a katarzis.
Remélem Veletek minden jól van, gyorsan posztolok, aztán pusztulok a gép elől. (Ildinek: ne nyisd meg, röhögni fogsz, pusztulj, pusztulj, pusztuuuujjj!!!!! én már most kegyetlenül nevetek... elég csak rágondolni... :D :D :D)
amúgy még fel sem ajánlottam, hogy aki esetleg nem értené a francia szavakat, vagy zavarná, nyugodtan szóljon. :) Írjtok Ti is, magamnak nem kell blog. :P Majd vicces lesz visszaolvagatni, az biztos. Lehet, hogy nem éppen nyilvános naplóval kellett volna kezdenem? :O
mindegy, ahogy a dal is mondja:
I am a 21st century digital girl...
ez sem widefülűeknek való zene, de - mint gondolom látjátok - felfedeztem egy új modult itt a blogban, és most azzal játszom :)
cheers to all of you
Szasza has just singed out
| | 2009.08.25. 23:33
You are still interested in my life? AWESOME!!! :D And if so, I'm sorry for not writing you yesterday, but the gone day was really boring. Trust me, I know... :P just to give you some information:
I ran a bit and learned new skills on my brand new stringed guitar. Wow, I loved it!
Still interested, huh? Well, this is gonna be huge! As I look back on tha day I have to addmit, it was full of acts. Finally.
My mother woke me up at 9 am, but I needed about half an hour to get otta bed. (Hiába, kutyából nem lesz szalonna...) After a quick petit déjeuner Jackline (who I introduced you some entries ago) belled the ring and came in. Who does remember why she did so? Anyone?
Alright, I'll tell ya. Because she was so kind to help me with the inscription.
I opened, she said good morning, I anwered some mhhhmhhh! (my mouth still full of bapao and ketchup), let her in. Ten minutes later we would have been sitting in the car, but the father of Réka was looking for her daughter who just have left to the USA (Palm Springs, you know Zsófi it's in the south :P Send some lovely greeting to them, you gonna spend some days here, as your mother promised :P and this invitation is to all those who read this note)
My bra' spent some minutes explaining him this and. Soon we followed the instructions of Jackline.
Brussels lies about 30 minutes by car here... without traffic jam what we have every day here since the belgas are as good as the Hungarians regarding the scansion of building operations. That means the bitumen is nuzzed up on the motorway to Brussels, in Brussels, around Brussels, on the ring at in every little corner of Mucsaröcsöge. At the same time. So, again, we can be proud: WE MADE IT!
For some strange reason the lines were almos empty. Oh, yes, it must have been about 10 o'clock. All of a son is working now, who is not, he has taken his position in the underground and singed his vocal chords warm to bum. Not many, before you thought I arrived in the 3rd world now. :D
Hm, back to the mainline. We arrived smoothly in Woluwe. Here and now I must confess something: guys, you have no chance anymore. Do not even try. I am in love with this district since I ever set a feet into it. That was 2 years ago.
I'll upload some pictures for you, soon as I hope, but my days are busy and hard.
Our appointment had been set to 11 am. Optimisticly and counting on the accurancy of the Belges we estimated 10 minutes of waiting. We were standing and waiting patiently. Jackline booked me a last minute French lesson (effective!).
11. Nothing happened. An italian double-width wardrobe, combiened with the position of a body-builder kept on tapping on his eyePhone, the portugies pilot talked about something on his mobile phone, their children yawned.
all of a sudden a door behind us opened and two suited, black double-width-height wardrobes appeared. Guarding a little boy, about 12 years old. Thanks to my retentive memory, I immediately matched them with the polished CD car and the belonging driver with the fitting poor-look infront of the door. The little double-width wadrobe crapped hisself and moved further. The gorillas guided the boy downstairs. (He was not injoying the situation.)
That was the moment, where Jackline, who is always very friendly and warm-hearted (as the Belgs seemed to be generally) started to say something in English but clipped her words again. "I don't say this, because it was not friendly." "Oh, come on, what is on your mind?" "CD always goes first. That's why we had to wait. Everyone is just a little dog, if CD appears on scene." "That's true. And the reason why I wanted to become a diplomat. But be happy, I gave it up."
At 12 o'clock, the headmater opened his door. FINALLY!!
Purple chemise and cravatte, silver hair, grey eyes. Tipical belge personality (too tired to find any other adjectives for describing them.). He even spoke English to my mother. And thought of everything. He offered me his help, also in getting in contact with the other Hungarians at school (4-5, he guessed so). After 20 minutes, we left.
At the secretary a young grandma welcomed us. Her teeth look terrible, but she is always smilling. Belge, as well. :) Whilst writing me a declaration, she told a story about some '56er Hungrian refugees staying at their place. Oh, and she flyies to Budapest on the 27.09. Funny... :D
After all, we were all setisfied and decided to go to Aalst. This is the next, bigger town to Denderleeuw. Aalst is famous for its S&M carnevals. If anyone wanted to try it, please, contact me. NOT. :P
In Aalst, I wanted to get hold of a cell number beginning with 0032. Regularry, we found the shop, the best tarifs. And the most important: a shop, where a man will crack my phone. No contract to T-Mobile anymore. MUHAHAHA!! I TAKE REVANGE!!! HAHAHA!! *evillaughter*
Unfortunately, I did not have my useless cell phone in my pocket, so we better took place in the most exclusive resto in the street. A spaghetti costs 9,80 euros there, the serving in much faster than a jumbo jet and the waiters all speak English. It is about 11 pm now, but I still get hungry thinking of the spaghetti I ordered. I'd eat there every day. Money money, money, it must be funny...
After spending my school fee there, we came home and felt worn-out. Such a day!
It was not over far fromit! Hohohooo! Nooo...
The next appointment with the ancestor of this gentleman was agreed at 6 pm. So, the same way back and 200 meters from my school we found him. His name is Teleki Kálmán. His wife is Nicole, born in Switzerland (*jeleous*) during the escape from the revolution. 1956. (*notjeleous*)
Their house is like you went 200 years back in time. Ok, they have a computer, internet connection and things like this. But the basin, the cock, the yard, the mirrors, the doors, everything is original. Really. I'll try to catch some pictures for you when I'll be living there for 2 weeks time. :) If you have seen my pictures on facebook (c'est la vie) you know where it lies. This park is about 5 minutes from the school and their house, so I can run as much as my knees want to.
Late in the evening when we arrived, we felt redeemed.
And I wrote on the blog but the ereased the half of the story (written terribly anyways).
So, Over over, i still have to give a report about the current day. :)
It’s late again
| | 2009.08.24. 00:01
Sorry, my story yesterday was not very detailed. I was really otta power. So I am today.
But, this is only the 3rd day, and I don’t give up easily. J
This was my first Sunday from the one year I’ll spend here. For all those who should not be aware of that: my godfather is a pastor of the Evangelische Kerk (Lutheran Chruch) here in Dendeleeuw. Ca veut dire qu’I’ll (this looks good! :P :D) every Sunday matin in the church. Not that bad. I met a german woman, a swiss guy who I knew before (his name is Manuel… :D strange match… but does not look like Manu at all. He speaks a whiff of Schwiizerdütsch while talking in German which I love a lot! :D )
and of course all the others. This is gonna be a tribute to the friendly, warm-hearted Belgians. J Or those who live here for more then a decade now. They are Belgians to me as well.
Now, back to the smiley german woman (kinda paradox, huh?… :P). She invited me immediately to her place! Of course I agreed. At least a possibility to bewaring my bad german accent… :P
The second one who I loved a lot was a silver-haired man. I don’t know his name, it doesn’t matter at all, and you’d forget it in the next line anyways.
The special about him was that we talked en francais. Well, that made my energy level disappear. (“Hol az enerdzsi?!”)
The third person I have to mention is simply the Belgian Shone Connery to me since we first met. A real gentleman. Above 60. No problem. As he got know that we’ll spend a week alone here, he immediately offered his help…
And last but not least:
Whilst running through the grand meadow an old man came across. Riding his bike, of course, everyone here does. I never saw him, vice versa as well and he welcomed me! Such a thing never ever happens in Hungary… maybe in Brussels not as well, but Denderleeuw is almost a city. I’d say a bigger town just next to Bruxelles, like Budaörs. Do strangers greet each other in there? I guess no.
Hmm… anything else to say? No, I s’ppose everything was said.
Now I close the window and watch some Gregory House m.d.
A bientot
And now en français: après-mid
| | 2009.08.23. 00:45
I am completely tired. Discovering your new home means to me: discovering every possibility of sports. So I ran around the village and found not only a very good training route but a beautiful sunset as well. The gold ran over the perfectly green landscape, over the sky, the clouds and the hot-air-balloons. Yes. Hot-air-balloons.
To be honest, my expected weather does not want to appear – thank God. We had a sunny day. Perfect for the cycling competition which just rolled away among my window… it was quite funny, donc a car passed by from time to time with some loud, old school music… :D
I wanted some chouettes trucks dans ma chambre. J and unpack my suitcases so we went to find something fitting but did not.
Instead, we managed perfectly to be late (about 1 hour) to an important rendez-vous with a Vallon lady who is supposed to help me with the inscription @ the school.
My mom, bra’, godfather, his wife and the little cousine, Rachel (almost 1 year old), arrived at Babel. The man (Jan) and his wife (Jaquline) are above 50, but all very friendly. Jan acted like a 5 year old boy, whilst playing with Rachel. J I loved them.
Jaqueline told me that I was not going to have any problems in the school… I hope she is right… J
Oh, why Babel? Have you ever heard 6 men speaking French, Dutch, Hungarian, English and German AT THE SAME TIME!?
Wow, amazing, isn’t it? J
That was my first, really enjoyed afternoon in a Belgian garden in Dendeleeuw.
The force may be with you!
Minden kezdet nehéz – avagy a 3B-s Bermuda háromszög
| | 2009.08.22. 13:30
1st B - Budapest.
It seemed to going to be an easy flight. Only 2 hours in the car and then get off.
2nd B - Bécs (Vienna)
We arrived quite early, about 2,5 hours before departure. Before the ESTIMATED departure from VIENNA.
Well, checking the timetable and looking for the gate number was doubtless quite useless but my mother stayed, her eyes pinned onto the displayed, in the very middle of the hall. She never listens to me. Am I alone with my problem? J
I started to change the strings on my guitar, hoping that my mother would give up and believe me in the end. This moment seemed to be very far away so I decided to spend the time usefully.
Suddenly, as I’ve just finished the A-string, she told me Skyeurope had its desks a bit behind of us, so we better moved there. I still didn’t change my mind thinking this has NO SCENCE AT ALL, but, of course, did not deny the order. YES SIR!!!
50 meters further we only could see some bored faces. Was I right? Hell, noooo…. :P
Alright, my lill’ homies stood there like well-raised sheeps. “What are you waiting for? Nobody’s gonna show you how!” My mother was still mad about the gate number (which was the MOST irrelevant information I ever could imagine in that moment…) so I decided to ask the lady (very bored as well).
The start did not tell anything special. Flight, time. To my question, whether we could drop off our luggages (about 60 kilos, plus the violin, the guitar, 3 handbags…) she answered with yes. “But you know for sure that you will be brought to Bratislava with busses, don’t you? You can do your check in here, but will have to carry your baggages yourself to the airport in Bratislava.”
Here, the story se divides into to parts.
Part one: said: …
Part two: thought: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Alright, I kept cool. Informing my parents caused a take off. To Bratislava.
3rd B – Bratislava
We should have known that Skyeurope became insolvent. Well, we didn’t and booked.
The --------- airport in Bratislava lies only an hour from Vienna. So far, so good.
Have you been to our ex-capital? It is HUGE. It really took my breath. Those motorways on the bridges, the commercials… everything is just levitating far beyond the earth and the harbour. Looking down you see the ships, the containers, the mining machines… brown, rusty, and powerful. Even the shopping mall was half of Budapest. WOW. Simply stunned...
The airport is a little hen-coop. Dirty, full of minorities and Slovakians, who, as far we experienced, drive even crazier than the Hungarians… I suppose, Frau Paschadag, who was always very upset telling about the Hungarian traffic, have had a heart attack for far now. (There was a light traffic jam on the motorway. Suddenly, a Skoda breaks just in front of us. The tires nearly BURNED. They smoked for sure…)
Now, back to the airport. Our first estimated take-off was said to be at 19.40. Two hours of waiting. No problem, I still had some strings to be changed. I looked for a quite, bequem place and found it right in the window. Took the guitar, the strings and sat to work.
A few minutes later, my brother came to help me. Together we finished in half of an hour. Great, still another 1,5 left.
Finally, we dropped of our luggages. YYYYYYYYYESSSSSSS! I slimmed down 60 kilos at once! :D
We moved to the first level, I started to play some music (as far as I can…J ). The next take-off was estimated at 20.10.
Now, I was studying the intro of Sting’s “Shape of my heart” and several other songs. Like Katyusa (régi, kommunista dal, közismertebb szövegével az Ellopták az oroszok a tankot… felismerésért hála Manunak :P)
30 minutes to eight, my mother suggested to get up our meilleure partie and snake to the gate.
Done as said.
Farewell from my father and go.
When the gate A7 got opened, it was late and we all were very tired. Moved to the bus, to the airplane. My mother, she got scared.
“This is ramshackle!” I could see on her face, she did not want to get in. Although, I kept on explaining, that the pilots did not want to die themselves, she stayed stressed. She stressed me and my brother and I tried to control myself so that I did not start shouting to her.
The pilot, who did not want to die himself, was excellent, I must say. Except of some little drops due to the turbulence in the clouds, everything was the finest.
A woman, who read frustrated all the time next to me, sighed loudly and raised her eyes to the sky, as we landed. So we both started to laugh at once. Well, it was very funny. J Especially, as she realized that she forgot to switch off one of her cell phones… maybe she knew that it could have disturbed the sensors… and since she was afraid………
We arrived about 11.30 pm at home and eat dinner (Zsófi, I really apologies. :P ).
My room was judged to my mom…. -.-‘… alright, no problem. I can sleep in the training-room with the barbell, shoes and clothes. At least I always can do some sport, whenever I want to. (Yes, Zsófi, I’ll stand up and do it, stay cool… :P )
last minute
| | 2009.08.21. 12:02
As I woke up, I knew immidiately: this is THA day. :) If you throw a glance @ the calender you can see, today it's the 21st of August.
In half of an hour we will start for Vienna. My Hungarian cell number is dead from now on. :(
I hope I can write you some lines after the arrival in Denderleeuw.
ps: Ok, those with " if I never see your face again" is not to taken very seriously... ;) But I love this song for some kind of reasons... :)
| | 2009.08.18. 23:00
Megkaptam, hogy inkább írkáljak magyarul... mindegy... :) Kösz, hogy benéztetek. Lehet nyugodtan kommentelni, kérdezni, stb. Egyetlen gáz, hogy még nem tudom, miért, nem látom a kommenteket... ezen majd próbálunk segíteni. Remélem tetszik a look. :) (Marci, ha itt vagy, tudom, hogy neked nem, de sajnos nem tudom átprogramozni). Btw, ha akárki tud ebben segíteni, akkor légyszi szóljon, jó lenne.
A témával kapcsolatos rész pedig annyi lenne, hogy kisebb fennakadások miatt úgy néz ki, hogy csak 21-én megyek a jó édesbe (szó szerint :P). Már mindent bepakolva, holnap még utolsó villámvizitek, aztán ágyő, balra el. (Remélem nem a második ajtón futok be... :P)
Még meg kell említenem, hogy nagyon aranyosak vagytok, mindeki azt kérdezi, hogy mikor jövök vissza... :) Ácsi, még el sem mentem... :) Persze azért a szünetekre kíváncsi vagyok. A véleményekkel egybefűzve tessék a comment címke alá a hűtőre mágnesezni! :)
Előrebocsátom, hogy szemétkedő, értelmetlen kritikákat nem fogadok el. Keményeket, ha van kedve szívózni, Marci hagyhat, a többiek ha lehet ne, mert úgyis törlöm.
a bientot
Zsófi megtalálta a beírás= új bejegyzés gombot :P
| | 2009.08.06. 11:46
Well, maybe it's some kind of cheating since I'm not gone to Belgium yet. Anyways, I just wanted to try my brand new blog. Please, forgive me, it is also my first one. :)
I'll probably (try to) write in English or maybe in German... or Hungarian. With some French in it. :P
So, soundcheck over
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